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Hey there! Kinna early for me to post since I just ordered my first T91 upper last night. I do have one other piston driven gun. (PLR-16) I plan on milling an 80 lower for this piece. Just here to gather good info from those who know this setup really well. I always appreciate it when people share info gained from real experiences.
I ordered a 14.5" because that's all I could find available at the moment. I have tons of questions before I buy everything else I need. I like that the Galil Ace and the Brownells 180S upper can operate without a buffer and the stock/brace folded....option here or hell no? Is a binary trigger possible?
See...T91 newbie stuff. Not really looking to make a specific clone, just something fun and different.
I've got a clean canvas here and want to do it right. I'll poke around for a bit for the info I need, but plz feel free to give me your .02!
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The lower is entirely 100% AR, so aftermarket triggers, split/folding recoil systems,. etc. will work with it. .
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Welcome to the new T91 owners club!
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