New User Registration

All Contents For Registered Users Only. New user please read before posting.
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Site Admin
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:53 pm

This site is free to register account. New registered users will assign to "new user" group, and wait for authorization to confirm your status. You then can post in the "New User Introduction Area". All Users will be manually "confirmed" by forum Admins to become "Registered/Intermediate user", with access to most of the forum areas, as well as the permission to post new articles.

To Prevent SPAMMER, Newly registered users MUST post at least one introduction post and receive approval from moderator AND/OR until they reach total FIVE posts within the forum to move up to "Registered User".

New user meet one of the following conditions can be officially assign to Registered/Intermediate user group without total five posts:

(1) A "Introduction Post".

(2) "Friends": any site users can recommend their friends, recommended by the site should be in good performance, and the relationship between the recommended should be addressed.