Barrel nut info

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Anyone have the torque specs for the barrel nut (if they are not AR equivalent) and a wrench model that works?
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Torque specs should be the same as AR, I am also looking for the wrench that will work on T91.
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About the closest thing I've seen is probably the VLTOR VIS wrench. No idea on the dimensions as I don't have one but form the appearance it may work, but could require some modification.
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These are all I can find out from "Google"
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Looking at the barrel nut pic in the store it has 3 pairs of opposed slots equally spaced. I've got a couple of the regular nut wrenches along iwth a few that have the pins on them and the pins are too big to insert into the slots so that is a nogo. Ideally a wrench should probably engage at least 4 of the 6 slots to provide even torque during tightening, although in a pinch having at least the two opposing slots would probably do.

A strap wrench would work for removal but I'm leery about not getting a proper torque during installation.

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Found another one but lack of torque wrench socket make it unable to torque to the right ft-lb.
I will send out inquire to our suppliers see if they can provide me with answer.

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Once I get my replacement micrometer I'm going to draft one up and see if a low production shop would be willing to cut a few out. I'm eager to get these uppers broken down to get molykoted but I'm not going to pull the barrels until I have a wrench that will put them back on the right way.

Has anyone pinged Wolf to see what their shop uses? MOF it'd be a great idea if we could get one of their tech reps on here.
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Alright I sketched out a basic design and am going to see how much it'll cost to get one cut and hardened.
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Did anyone get an answer to the torque spec?
I would think that the proper torque can only be applied once on a fresh receiver.
After the threads are stretched, any secondary torquing can come close, but should not perfectly equal the initial so as to not over-stress the threads. Anti back-out measures can be used and movement can be observed with marks and indicators. Add additional toque as needed.@onion28@
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Welp since it's a basic upper made of the same material for lack of any other spec the AR spec is probably the way to go. As far as torquing I've always done 3 sets, first at minimal torque (35' lbs), then back off, run it down again, back off and run it down a final time. With the wolf since you don't have to align a gas tube with a barrel nut I see no real reason to take it further than that. Kinda OCD, but I'm also one of those fools that laps the receiver and will only use Aeroshell on my builds.
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Arkane was right. According to my source, it's no different than AR-15.
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No fool at all. Lapping is a great idea when done right and i have a tub of aeroshell in prep for my first build. Ill send you an ounce or two if you need.
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