New 12.5, nasty burr in chamber?

Moderators: e292644, blueeyedwolf

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Just got the Lil guy in, and was giving a full once over QC check. Got a light in the chamber and I see a pretty rough area in the 1-3 o'clock region of the chamber wall. Send it back?
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Wow, that doesn't look right, can't really tell what's going on there but it's a good idea to replace it.
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I would put a nylon .35 bore or .223 chamber brush on a rod and a drill and run it in there to see what happens.
Could this be a coating buildup from production?
A have read from a lot of guys, and for myself that the first rounds are really tight, but eventually work out.

As for sending it back, Steve Dittner at Wolf is golden. He will take care of you.
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The fact that it's in a pretty singular are and not just some shmutz spread around the whole thing leads me to think it's buggered up chamber wall. I don't want to mess with it at all, just let it as is and send it back in.
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