Barrel Nut Torque, other questions

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Hey everyone, great forum. I got one of the first run T91s for a Metal Gear Solid V inspired project, going to be refinishing it soon with Norrell's Moly Resin once I get ahold of the receiver I need. I see there is the barrel nut tool available and I'm wondering what the proper torque spec is for the barrel nut once I reinstall it?

Also the dust cover seems like it doesn't really want to come out, do I push towards the barrel? and is the procedure for reinstalling it fairly simple? I gathered that it is not a standard spec dust cover. Here's a pic of my build below in it's current state.

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It's the same as AR-15 barrel nut specs.
Since T91 do not need to align the gas tube, initial 30 foot pounds “season the threads” by tightening, loosening and re-tightening the barrel nut a few times., set the torque wrench for 75-80 foot pounds for the final set.
Remember to clean and re-apply AeroShell 33MS grease to both the threads of the barrel nut and the upper receiver.

*** Reference from HERE.
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